My goodness, where has the time gone! The Christmas/holiday/cold/flu/vacation season seems to have made two months just fly by with no time for posting. The most exciting news I have to share is that when we were out in Arizona spending a week at our vacation/retirement home, we went to IKEA and bought furniture for my sewing/design studio! It's the most fun I've had in a long time. I bought two sewing/crafting tables, a nice big counter-height cutting table with tons of storage underneath, a window seat with storage, an ironing board that hides away in a drawer, and tons and tons of supply storage space! It's just about killing me knowing I won't be back there to finish up the room and be able to start using it until at least August, but hopefully the time will go fast and I'll be there before I know it. I've taken pictures of the room as is now. I'll share a few, but keep in mind there are lots of finishing touches left to do. As soon as I can get back there and finish up, I'll do a grand unveiling of the finished product. I can't wait!

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