At the time I made it, I mail ordered a pound of buttons. Well, the project did take quite a few buttons, but it sure didn't take a pound! So... I have a bunch left over, in addition to all my other random buttons I had stored together in a plastic leftover container. Every time I needed a button, I was pawing around in that plastic container, never finding what I needed. Today, necessity was the mother of invention. Here's the supplies I started with:
Using my paper cutter to keep my lines straight, I cut different pieces of scrapbook paper the height of the prescription bottle, by the length around it. Mine measured 2 7/8 inches tall, by 4 1/2 inches around. Then I used a glue stick to stick the paper around the bottle. Once I had that done, I used the lid as a pattern to trace:
Once again, I used the glue stick to stick the paper on top of the lid. For the next step, I used a glue gun, but any kind of glue would probably work. After sorting buttons, I glued a button on top of each bottle so I could see at a glance what was in each bottle:
How cute is that!?
Here's the rest of them - an even dozen. Now I smile each time I see these cute little containers and know that next time I need a button, it will only take a second to find the one I need!
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