
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Rotary Auction

I just downloaded the google blogger on the go app on my iPad, so I thought I'd try it out by putting together a short post about a little project I did this weekend. I've been asked to donate a handmade item for our annual Rotary auction. Since hooded bath towels are my latest craze, that's where I started. After that, I added a little sun hat to match. Last but not least, what outfit is complete without an appliquéd onesie?! What do you think? Think anyone will bid on it? I sure hope so!

Easy Peasy Button Holders

I decided my sewing / craft room was too messy to work in Saturday morning, so I spent some time cleaning up and organizing. Here's a little tutorial of what I decided to do with all those prescription bottles I'd been saving.  If you read my blog on a regular basis, you may remember this little project:
At the time I made it, I mail ordered a pound of buttons.  Well, the project did take quite a few buttons, but it sure didn't take a pound! So... I have a bunch left over, in addition to all my other random buttons I had stored together in a plastic leftover container. Every time I needed a button, I was pawing around in that plastic container, never finding what I needed. Today, necessity was the mother of invention. Here's the supplies I started with:
Using my paper cutter to keep my lines straight, I cut different pieces of scrapbook paper the height of the prescription bottle, by the length around it. Mine measured 2 7/8 inches tall, by 4 1/2 inches around. Then I used a glue stick to stick the paper around the bottle. Once I had that done, I used the lid as a pattern to trace:
Once again, I used the glue stick to stick the paper on top of the lid. For the next step, I used a glue gun, but any kind of glue would probably work. After sorting buttons, I glued a button on top of each bottle so I could see at a glance what was in each bottle:

How cute is that!?

Here's the rest of them - an even dozen. Now I smile each time I see these cute little containers and know that next time I need a button, it will only take a second to find the one I need! 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Hooded towel tutorial

I've been looking for a hooded towel tutorial, but just couldn't find one that made the hood the way I envisioned it.  As the old saying goes, "if you want something done right, do it yourself", so I decided to put together one myself.  I have made one other hooded towel in the past using a tutorial I found on Pinterest, but I just wasn't happy with the hood.

Step 1 - Gather the supplies you'll need - one bath towel, one matching hand towel.  If you want to embellish the hooded towel, you can use fabric, ribbon, embroidery, or any other idea you like.  I used some hot pink towels I found on sale.

Step 2 - Cut the hand towel to use as hood.  Lay the towel out lengthwise, and cut one side 9.5 inches wide.

Step 3 - Now is the time to add any decorations you have chosen to put on the hood or bath towel.  I've seen cute pictures of appliqued names on the back of the bath towel, and all sorts of decorations for the hood.  Let your imagination be your guide.  Since Valentine's Day is coming up, and I was making this hooded towel for my sweet granddaughter, I choose a "Love Bug" machine embroidery applique design that I purchased from Planet Applique.  

Step 4 - Pin and sew hood seam - fold the 9.5 inch wide hood piece in half with right sides facing each other (any decorative items will be on the inside).  Use a zigzag stitch or some other stitch that will keep the raw edges from raveling.

Step 5 - Now that you've constructed the hood, it's time to attach it to the bath towel (almost done!).  Lay out the bath towel with wrong side up, and mark the center point with a pin.

Step 6 - Lay the hood you just constructed on top of the bath towel with the edges of the folded hood lined up with the outside edge of the bath towel and the center hood seam lined up with the center of the bath towel. Pin in place and sew. You will be sewing a rectangle along the edge of the bath towel, down each side of the hood below the fold, and along the bottom of the hood.  Use thread that matches your towel color as close as possible so the seam will be barely noticeable.  

Step 7 - You're done! Wasn't that the easiest thing ever?!  I'd love to see pictures of your finished product!

This is how I fold them up to give as gifts :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Arizona sewing/design studio

My goodness, where has the time gone! The Christmas/holiday/cold/flu/vacation season seems to have made two months just fly by with no time for posting. The most exciting news I have to share is that when we were out in Arizona spending a week at our vacation/retirement home, we went to IKEA and bought furniture for my sewing/design studio! It's the most fun I've had in a long time. I bought two sewing/crafting tables, a nice big counter-height cutting table with tons of storage underneath, a window seat with storage, an ironing board that hides away in a drawer, and tons and tons of supply storage space!  It's just about killing me knowing I won't be back there to finish up the room and be able to start using it until at least August, but hopefully the time will go fast and I'll be there before I know it.  I've taken pictures of the room as is now. I'll share a few, but keep in mind there are lots of finishing touches left to do. As soon as I can get back there and finish up, I'll do a grand unveiling of the finished product.  I can't wait!